babbling wimp would just not shut up about wanting to "duel" with another one of my subs. I figured, oinker hates him, I'll stick oinker with him while I go to the salon and get my hair done. Let him deal with the annoying old twat for a while. Poor piggy.. I came home to this horrified message in my inbox:
"Princess: he oinked for me and all hes so weird!!!!! he acted at the end like he wants to serve me he said he would do anything!!!!"
Hahaha! Looks like oinker has found himself a slave! LOL
Look at these two losers battling it out:
oinker: Hi loser
babblingwimp: Well...oinker-I told Princess Adrienne I would have you call me sir, apologize, beg me not to kick your ass and send the results to why dont you make this short, and then I might let you go or pick on your some more to make sure you know I am top sub...
oinker: Well babbling i heard all about you. i think maybe you should be on your knees begging to suck my cock and ask me for tips on how to serve Princess properly and not be a stupid idiot slave lol How did the toilet water taste? hahahah
babblingwimp: look, I am probably 2x your age....start by calling me SIR and go through my list so I can let her know you are below me...or maybe I will have you tell her you are below me!!!
babblingwimp: you're a sub....just do it....
oinker: i think we should both get on cam as any slave who wants to be top slave for Princess needs to do that. Ready idiot?
babblingwimp: i dont have cam.....and it is sir not did you know about the water anyway.....and start by saying SIR..its easy to spell S-I-R
oinker: cams cost 10 bucks i will get you a loan if ur so broke hahaha Anyone who drinks toilet water and wears panties is no sir how about sissy? haha
babblingwimp: wears panties....what else did she tell you...I shouldnt let you talk to me like this....make it me sir...apologize...and then beg me not to kick your ass......and call yourself my inferior..then we save time and finish
oinker: i love your pics in Princesses twitter omg ur sooo hot u could make me turn gay! NOT!!!!! hahahah
babblingwimp: as you can tell I am not old but older than for the last time, call me SIR!
babblingwimp: and look at your name..oinker? why dont you oink for me?
oinker: If you arent old you need a mirror. I dont want to be rude but you look about 75 easyy!
babblingwimp: look oink boy..not so old I couldnt kick your butt and put you in the trash can!! or pig pen!
babblingwimp: how did you know about the panties..I just got a little weak..and what else did she tell you?
oinker: How do i know about the panties? You dont even read Princesses PUBLIC BLOGS? hahahah
babblingwimp: oh yes..she did post that....okay, we need to start over....lets start with it now....
oinker: Soon She will have you sucking cucumbers like me! haha
oinker: No slave can resist Princess stop fighting it
babblingwimp: never...look, my goal here is to prove to her that I am your call me SIR, beg me not to kick your ass, apologize, and give me a little oink for good are a sub so do it NOW
oinker: Sorry i only oink for Princess not panty wearing toilet drinking losers like you hahah
babblingwimp: im not used to anyone let alone males talking to me like this...I should tell you to stop or else
oinker: i think you would love to call me sir
babblingwimp: wtf? Uh, no....I want princess Adrienne to know I have some balls and the least I can do is have you call me Sir, beg, apologize and oink as one way of proving it so I move up and you move down on her list
babblingwimp: and dont call me a loser....i just drank the water and wore panties once....just got weak...
oinker: Well i am always weak for Her and unlike you i dont try to fight it i just obey which is why i am way higher than your loser ass on Her list
babblingwimp: im not used to being called a loser..or being laughed stop...
oinker: But you are a loser! If you want to move up stop fighting it.
oinker: and sorry you in panties makes me laugh haha
oinker: If you oink you will feel more comfortable trust me
babblingwimp: one more me sir, apologize, beg me not to kick your ass and oink...then you can go...and stop with the names and lauhing...not used to that...not sure how to react....
babblingwimp: i could find out where you live and come kick your ass in public
oinker: i only call real men sir and you are like me a loser not a man but maybe you can pay for Princesses dates with Her bf like i hope to do. Thats the best you can hope for LOSER
oinker: Do you have a walker? i will just duck when you try to throw a punch hahah
babblingwimp: dont call me loser...i know if I get you to call me sir, apologize, beg me not to kick your ass and oink...if I show I am superior to you, Princess will think more highly of me..that I at least have some balls....and I will leave you in the dirt in her eyes..
oinker: Well that will never happen as She wrote all about you LOSER you couldnt even do Her homework right!
babblingwimp: no i couldnt....and you should stop calling me loser before I get just makes me feel weak
oinker: LOSER LOSER LOSER!!!! Now tell me what a loser you are!
babblingwimp: maybe this wasnt a great idea..not working out like I thought....i dont think i am a loser...? I demanded you call me sir, apologize, beg, and oink...i thought you would just are a sub and probably half my age
oinker: Just because i am younger than you doesnt mean i call LOSERS sir haha How did the toilet water taste by the way never had it!
babblingwimp: stop calling me loser...i dont have to take that....
oinker: But you do because you are a loser. And you should learn to oink like me Princess likes that
babblingwimp: ok...u dont have to do call me sir, oink apologize and beg...maybe we can call it even...?
oinker: hahaha i think you should oink and tell me you are pathetic
babblingwimp: no..calling me loser all those times is plenty...Im sure we can stop here and call it need to tell Princess anything..
babblingwimp: i cant act sub to a sub named oinker.....that would be too low...
oinker: you can do it you know you want to. Just oink now and say i am below you mr. oinker
babblingwimp: look just stop calling me loser over and over and we can just say we are even.....I wont order you to do anything...that loser stuff just stop...?
oinker: we are both losers you need to admit it then you can serve Princess better
babblingwimp: you are trying to turn this around arent you..make me call you sir, apologize, beg, please Princess Adrienne...thats why you found my weak spot with loser and keep pressing so you are clearly nore deserving in her eyes.....
oinker: i want to be top slave and if you want to be you need to say "i am a loser and want to be the most pathetic slave in Princess Adrienne's stable"
oinker: i admit im a loser you need to because thats obvious toilet water drinker lol
babblingwimp: this is not how it is supposed to go....I cant let myself be dominated by a male sub named oinker...shit....we can say it is even and not tell princess anything.....
babblingwimp: enough of the loser namecalling....?
oinker: oh i tell Princess everything as you should
babblingwimp: but you want me to call you sir, apoloize, beg and oink...and then you tell her and becme her top slave and star and I sink......dont tell her about all this.....I am not coming across very well for her to hear about
oinker: do it!
babblingwimp: this loser stuff is confusing and making me feel what...?
oinker: oink and clal me sir
oinker: call
babblingwimp: oh fuck....this is not good...just dont call me loser anymore and we will both be happy....
oinker: but you are a loser embrace it like me
babblingwimp: stop calling me feels like kryptonite or Samson getting a haircut or something....makes me feel and act like one
oinker: well finally you are admitting what you are doesnt it feel good! haha
babblingwimp: i dont want to see that word typed anymore....or I should stop you somehow from calling me a loser...
oinker: why because loser makes you weak?
babblingwimp: it feels a sledge hammer each stop....
oinker: yep its because the truth hurts LOSER
babblingwimp: i cant act like this towards a sub who calls himself oinker....stop more at all....enough...
oinker: ok. If you oink twice and call me sir i will stop
babblingwimp: no...i cant do that..just no nore..none...that was enough....i cant be bullied by an oinker..?
oinker: you know you want to loser! Do it you will feel sooo much better
babblingwimp: i said no more use of that word...I mean it.....i told you to stop and it makes me feel act like a loser and you keep it up and it is too much now...
oinker: well its too bad you just cant admit what everyone knows that you are a LOSER
Princess laughs at you every day!
babblingwimp: ok...i will do what you want....just no more name calling..promise..
oinker: ok fair enough now oink
babblingwimp: oh do I know when you will stop....can u just not call me loser anymore.....and we can stop all this.....
oinker: last chance oink now and call me sir and i will stop
babblingwimp: fuck..ok i give up...i will do whatever you want then...just stop with the name calling....
oinker: ok im waiting
babblingwimp: oink
oinker: oink twice
babblingwimp: oink oink
oinker: very good now say i am way below you sir
babblingwimp: i am way below you sir
oinker: fine
oinker: now kiss my feet and say ty for letting me oink for you sir
babblingwimp: oh shit...enough now....
oinker: cmon youve come this far dont stop now
babblingwimp is typing...
babblingwimp: thank you for letting me oink for you sir...
oinker: Excellent! Princess will be prouid of you
babblingwimp: please dont tell her about this...i told her I would make you call me sir, apologize, beg me not to kick your ass and oink....dont tell her
oinker: She is so superior in every way if She tells me to i have to obey.
babblingwimp: oh shit...dont....i did everything you told me.....I told her I would humiliate didnt work....
oinker: Well at least now you know what you are you will feel better
babblingwimp: but dont tell her...look i will say or do what you want here....but i will look like a total whipped asshole if she hears about this
oinker: well maybe she will forget and not ask me
babblingwimp: look i made a mistake and oinked and called you sir....she will not can just tell her we had a nice chate about how wonderful she is....even if I tell her I would never oink or call you sir again she wont believe it
oinker: wow i would never lie to Princess. Thats Her number one rule!
babblingwimp: no not a lie...we did say how wonderful she is....and just tell her I didnt get you to call me sir...look you know that was just a stupid moment on my part and will never happen again.....
oinker: well i think you enjoyed doing it and i tell Princess everything if she asks. Maybe She wont though.
babblingwimp: i didnt enjoy it....and would NEVER do it again...i just didnt want to see loser again.....and stil cant believe I did it...
oinker: well you did and more than once. haha you will get used to it.
babblingwimp: shit...look, I will do it again if you promise not to tell her or at least consider it...I am desperate.....I will do or say what you want here...shit
babblingwimp: i didnt realize it would get back to her!
babblingwimp: I promised her I would put YOU in your place and humiliate YOU...!!!
oinker: well yes really did that. haha Anyway i have to go nice talking to you and you are a good slave after all. lol
babblingwimp: oh fuck...I should demand a second chance.....
oinker: well maybe some other time. lol bye
babblingwimp: bye...
I really can't be bothered to read all that but from what I skimmed through briefly it sounds like a ridiculously bad gay porno. Oinker, how does it feel to actually be able to dominate another person for once in your sad pathetic life and actually get to call THEM a loser??? That is definitely a first for you!! Maybe I'll make you do that other session he wants so bad and make him tribute you for it.. lol! I'll just keep passing him off to you to deal with, see how much you can get out of him and then have you forward his tributes to me! Ha! I'm gonna pimp you out, oinker!!
Anyway, more importantly, I got my hair done today!!
I went back to my natural color and it looks soo good! I love it! I also picked up this cute little black and gold skull bracelet while I was at the salon!
Now who is gonna pay this bill??
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