Wednesday, May 15, 2013

BIG UPDATE! Becoming a full-time Lifestyle Financial Dominant

I've really been slacking a lot on my blog, and those who know me personally or follow me on Twitter ( know that it's mostly been because I've been SO busy trying to juggle three classes (homework slaves can't show up and take tests for you, unfortunately), keep up with my clip stores and my slaves, and also move into my new bi-level loft. If you ever think it might be a good idea to move out to a new place in a new city during finals week, IT'S NOT. But you know I'm a boss so I handled that shit.

Now I'm finally done with the semester and, for the most part, done setting up my new place. I bought a TON of new furniture and still have a few more things to buy but for the most part everything is set up, organized, and feeling like home. I'm typing this in my new ergonomic reclining chair, at my new black glass-top L-shaped computer desk, looking out the 9 big side-by-side windows that line the corners of my rooftop bedroom while the sun starts to set and rain drizzles down over the city. I love it here, and, although it will not be my permanent home (it's only my first!), it will be my home for at least the next 12 months and it has been paid for entirely by my slaves, worshippers, and admirers. If you look back at one of the columns I wrote for Domme Dose several months ago, I mentioned that my biggest fantasy was to live in a home paid for entirely by slaves, as if it were a temple built for a Goddess or a palace built for a Queen. I'm so happy that my fantasy is already coming to life. You minions have already built a small home for me, no doubt just in practice for the palace to come! ;) I'll be posting pictures soon, after the rest of the boxes and things are put away.

Being done with this semester of school and finally feeling settled in my new place is giving me some time to think about something that I've been conflicted about for a while now. I really have no passion for school anymore. What used to interest me is tedious and boring and something that I just try to rush through quickly to get it out of the way (or hand it over to my homework slave so I don't have to deal with it at all) so I can do better things. Since starting to build my online empire, this is how I want to spend my time now. Today I woke up, I filmed a few clips, I lay on the couch and read a book (tweeted a picture of a nice quote from it), I put together a couple of end tables that just came in today (bought with amazon giftcards), and now I'm in my bedroom as mentioned above, relaxing and writing this blog. Later I'll probably edit some clips and make gifs, maybe upload some. I don't have to worry about showing up for class on time. I don't have to worry about studying for tests. I don't have to take time away from filming clips, writing blogs (I actually LOVE to write), tinkering with my website (I also love designing websites!), shopping to surround myself with beautiful things, relaxing, toying with my slaves and just generally enjoying my life, to instead force myself to focus on something that no longer interests me and no longer provides any kind of enjoyment. That's why I've decided to take the summer off to really evaluate this situation and most likely come to the conclusion that I won't be returning to school any time soon (if at all).

It's hard for me to think about quitting school because it's hard for me to think of myself as a quitter or as someone who can't handle the extra work/stress. That's not me. However, it's not hard for me to think of myself as a self-centered hedonist. ;) I've been rejecting social norms and unapologetically shocking friends and family with my actions and choices since about as long as I can remember. Plus, I am highly intelligent. Financial domination is, to me, a lifestyle and a job all in one. My "job" in this case is essentially just to exist; to be free to be myself and to express myself in the ways that I choose. My "work" is also my passion, my self-expression, my art, my outlet, my entertainment, my luxury, my enjoyment, etc. This is a TRUE financial domination/femdom/female supremacy experience. I exist to enjoy my existence. You exist to literally slave away at your miserable jobs to serve me, pamper me and sacrifice to fund my existence. This is my ultimate dream come true.

A lot of you boys are curious and ask me if my friends and family know about what I do, and what they think of it. Some of you idiots, in fits of misdirected anger during your own self-loathing for being such a fucking weak pervert, even try to threaten me that you will somehow "expose" me to my family and friends. Well, as amusing as it is that so many of you think I consider my life to be some huge horrific secret (remember what I said about "misdirected"? My life is not yours, silly pig.), I am actually quite open about it. At first, only a few very close friends and relatives knew. Then as I got more involved in it, of course more people started finding out, and now I openly tell pretty much everybody. Just recently I talked about it in the middle of a bar I was at with some friends (were any of you losers lucky enough to be on my ignore line at the time??), and I took out my phone to show a friend-of-a-friend who I had just met my clips4sale page and my website. I actually love to talk about it and show it off! Most people are somewhat confused at first, but they think it's interesting and cool. I get a lot of respect for it, and especially from my family.

I come from a long line of independent thinkers, and generations of feminist women. My Aunt is actually a published writer on modernism as it pertains to female sexuality and feminism. They think that owning male servants around the world just through using the computer from the comfort of my home, flaunting my beauty and sensuality in the way that I choose to flaunt it, that doesn't feel exploitative or degrading to me, that actually feels fun and is an outlet for self-expression, and collecting thousands of dollars while I'm at it is actually amazing and, like my Grandma said, "better and smarter" than getting a real job. Obviously any kind of real job that would give me an equal or greater income would require years of school and hours/days/weeks/months on end of working in a profession that I wouldn't even feel half as passionately about, that would stifle my creativity and my passions and my fun and WHO I AM as a person!

"I told [your Aunt] about what you do and, like Grandma, she thinks it's great. I think it is great too... My cutting edge little [childhood nickname], the artist, the dominatrix. Wow! Love, Mom" - email from my Mom

I consider myself a feminist as well, and I consider what I do to be empowering and liberating. I was not born to be shackled to a cubicle all day, or to have to ask a boss for permission months in advance just to go on a vacation. That's something you are on this earth to do. I'm here to be free to do anything I want. I'm proud of my lifestyle and I will continue to focus on my path as a financial domme and create a world around me that is as magically extravagant and extraordinary as I am.

Remember that when you kneel to me, under any circumstances, no matter how big or how small, you are kneeling as a brick in the wall of an empire.

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